Black Bart
Hoo-Hoo Club 181

2023-2024 Black Bart Sponsorship Renewal
Fri, Feb 16
The Board of Directors of Black Bart HOO-HOO #181 would like to thank our sponsors and members for their continued support and generosity. We are now asking you to renew your gold level ($249.99) or club level ($99.99) membership for 2023 - 2024.

Process your payment today!
Feb 16, 2024, 2:13 PM – 6:13 PM
Black Bart Hoo-Hoo # 181
2023-2024 Sponsorship letter
The Board of Directors of Black Bart HOO-HOO #181 would like to thank our sponsors and members for their continued support and generosity. Our club continues to grow and prosper because of your support. We are committed to promoting the values of our organization founded in 1892 with the belief that fellowship builds trust and goodwill between people in all parts of the forest products industry.
We are now asking you to renew your gold level (249.99) or club level (99.99) membership for 2023 - 2024. We have not raised the sponsorship cost because we want you to continue to support our club through these uncertain times. The monies raised through your sponsorship allow us to put on events like Industry Night in January, Trap Shoot in April, Golf Tournament in October, and Con-Cat in November. Sponsors are listed on all correspondence during the year and have their company logo displayed on a 4x6 picture board at all events.
Our online payment system will process your sponsorship payment. Please click below to proceed.
Company Logo: We need your company logo, if you are a new sponsor, please send us a high quality .jpg file. If you are a renewing sponsor, please check your logo on our Sponsor page to confirm that it is the correct version.
Your support also allows us to donate at least 10% of all net profits to worthy charities including Redwood Empire Food Bank, Sturgeons Lumber Museum, and Santa Tim.
Thank You for Your Continued Support
Steve Bernardi
President, Black Bart Hoo-Hoo #181